Flash News: AT&T posted a new version of Navigator, the version 1.2i.5: this should the correct the problem, and update properly.
A lot of users of the $10-a-month AT&T Navigator iPhone app have been complaining of a little problem. The periodic crashes of the app every time it calculates directions. Not to worry, the problem is easy to fix. Stop blaming yourself for doing something wrong.
“There is a software glitch. It’s our issue, not Apple’s,” confirmed by Mark Siegel, an AT&T spokesman.
The problem occurs in an indefinite number of phones when people use the update button to get the most recent copy of AT&T Navigator.
This is the easy fix:
Remove first your current copy. You won’t lose your contacts or any other information so don’t worry.
In order to remove it, hold your finger on the icon of the AT&T Navigator on the phone’s home screen until all of the icons wiggle around. You will see a white X in a circle on the upper left corner of all of the application icons. Touch the X on the AT&T icon, and then press “yes” when it asks you if you are sure you want to remove it. Then press the phone’s home button to stop the other icons from dancing.
Next, go to the App Store to download a fresh copy. The application is free. You will need to re-enter your name, e-mail address and pin number to get all of your stored data.
How to Fix the Glitch on AT&T Navigator
Posted by The Rotten Apple | 1:30 AM | iPhone, Mobile, News, Software and Application, Tweaks and Workarounds | 0 comments »
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